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Heren 1 Sep

Myra Heren 1 - Overbos Heren 1 25/9

Nieuws afbeelding
Interviewing: Nr.18, Myra H1.

Q: This Sunday, you got an important win in the competition, not only in terms of advancement to the championship, but also a boost for your self-confidence. What is the vibe on the squad after the match today?

Nr.18: It feels really good.

Q: You were big favourites to win the match, but things haven’t been running smoothly in the last two matches. Do you see the win against Overbos as an opportunity to keep the good vibe going for the next matches?

Nr.18: We will bring this good vibe to practice and keep getting better for the next match.

Q: This home game ended in a 9-1 win against Overbos. There were two hattricks scored by Nr.9 and by Nr.18. Do you think the team can keep up this level of scoring for the next games?

Nr.18: We train hard as a team to get the championship. But every week we will play against better opponents too. 
Overbos had everything to win, and the players will want to perform the best 70 minutes of their lives. How do you prepare for this David and Goliath situation? Is the difference between the two sides so large that motivation won’t matter?

Nr.18: We have to win regardless of the opponent.

Q: Just like you, Overbos needed a three-pointer to keep up with the frontrunners in the overall standings. What speaks to your advantage, and will let you as a team walk of the pitch with smiles on your faces after 70 minutes today?

Nr.18: A win.

Q: Next Sunday, you will play against an opponent who lost today against IJseloever in a match where a lot of goals were scored. It ended in 5-4. They want to make up for their defeat. What do you think of your opponents?

Nr.18: They are steady and strong as a team. The away-game will be challenging. 


